We know, Lord, the destiny that awaits those who violate
Your law, by voluntarily abbreviating their days.
But we also know that Your mercy is infinite. So please condescend
to extend this mercy to the soul of ... .
May our prayers and Your commiseration lessen the harshness of
the sufferings they are experiencing for not having had the courage
to await the end of their trials.
Good Spirits, whose mission it is to help those who are wretched,
take this Spirit under your protection;
inspire him to regret the error committed.
May your assistance give him strength to support with
greater resignation the new trials through which he will have to pass
in order to make reparation.
Turn aside from him the evil Spirits who are capable of once again impelling him towards that same act and so prolonging his sufferings by making him lose the fruits of future expiations.
We also direct ourselves to you, whose unhappiness is the motive for our prayers, to offer a wish that our commiseration may diminish the bitterness and help to create within you the hope for a better future.
This future lies in your hands; believe in the goodness of God, whose bosom opens to accept all repentance and only remains closed to hardened hearts.
For a Suicide
From the book ‘Gospel According to Spiritism
Allan Kardec