Spiritism is a doctrine of scientific, philosophical and religious principles that is codified in the literary works of Allan Kardec. The Spiritist Doctrine is primarily based on five books written by Kardec in French from 1857 to 1868: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and Genesis. Also referred to as the Spiritist Codification, the books are a compilation of questions asked by Allan Kardec with answers dictated by spirits. Before his death in 1869, Kardec also published The Spiritist Review, Posthumous Works, and What is Spiritism?
Kardec described Spiritism as a "science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world." Kardec also wrote that Spiritism realizes Jesus' promise "to bring knowledge of those things which allow Man to know where he came from, where he is going and why he is on Earth; therefore guiding mankind towards the true principles of God's law and offering consolation through faith and hope."
Spiritism can and should be studied, analyzed, and practiced in all the fundamental aspects of our lives, including the scientific, philosophical, religious, ethical, moral, educational, and social characteristics of life.
Spiritism reveals new and more profound concepts with respect to God, the Universe, Human Beings, Spirits, and Laws which govern life itself. It also reveals what we are, the objective of our existence, and the reasons for pain and suffering. By providing new concepts about Human Beings and everything that surrounds us, Spiritism touches on all areas of knowledge, human activities and behavior, thus opening a new era for the regeneration of Humanity.